Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Gabriel POPESCU Author-Email: popescug2004@yahoo.co.uk Author-Workplace-Name: Faculty of Agro-Food and Environmental Economics, The Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: SUSTAINABILITY OF FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY IN ROMANIA.CHALLENGES FOR THE FUTURE NATIONAL STRATEGIC PLAN Abstract: In the context of the preparations for the design of the National Strategic Plan (NSP), we appreciate that a realistic knowledge of the state of food security is likely to contribute to the design of some of the reforms to increase the sustainability of the agricultural sector. Among the main objectives of the NSP will be: fostering the development of an intelligent and adaptive agricultural sector; ensuring environmental protection and climate change mitigation; strengthening socio-economic cohesion of rural areas. The knowledge of Romania's place in the world through the use of the Food Security Indicator - on total and on components - highlighted the need: increasing the concerns of decision makers to ensure a sufficient and accessible agricultural offer, from an economic point of view, to the population; Romania's more active involvement in building sustainable food systems. Keywords: food security, natural resources, sustainable development Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 8-16 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SUSTAINABILITY-OF-FOOD-SAFETY-AND-SECURITY-IN-ROMANIA.CHALLENGES-FOR-THE-FUTURE-NATIONAL-STRATEGIC-PLAN.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:8-16 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Nicolae ISTUDOR Author-Email: nicolae.istudor@ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Emilia GOGU Author-Email: emilia.gogu@csie.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Irina-Elena PETRESCU Author-Email: irina.petrescu@ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: UNIVERSITY – VECTOR OF GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT Abstract: The economic higher education system must be viewed as a competitive market where different players meet, interacting, each with a desire to achieve an efficient result – a successful and performant graduate. In this sense, the higher economic school must be approached as one of the main engines of society in sustainable development, in increasing the standard of living and the quality of life, respectively of human well-being. In this sense, the economic school must be continuously supported, developed and adapted. Keywords: higher education system, sustainable development, economic studies Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 17-29 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/UNIVERSITY-–-VECTOR-OF-GLOBAL-DEVELOPMENT.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:17-29 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Jonel SUBIĆ Author-Email: jonel_s@iep.bg.ac.rs Author-Workplace-Name: Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia Author-Name: Biljana GRUJIĆ Author-Email: biljana_g@iep.bg.ac.rs Author-Workplace-Name: Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia Author-Name: Svetlana ROLJEVIĆ NIKOLIĆ Author-Email: svetlana_r@iep.bg.ac.rs Author-Workplace-Name: Institute of Agricultural Economics Belgrade, Serbia Title: ECOLOGICAL AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION – OPINIONS AND PRACTICES OF PRODUCERS IN SERBIA Abstract: Vegetable growing is one of the most intensive branches of agriculture, which is characterized by a high level of consumption of inputs, primarily fertilizers and pesticides. However, vegetable production can also be successfully achieved with reduced use of agrochemicals, actually in a more ecologically acceptable way. The aim of this paper was to examine the attitudes of vegetable producers in the area of eight local government units about ecologically acceptable cultivation practices for these crops. For the purpose of the research, one hundred and sixty vegetable producers were surveyed by questionnaire, and the collected data were processed in the SPSS statistical package, using the descriptive statistics method. The results showed that for 66% of farmers the priority in production is controlled and reduced application of agrochemicals in relation to high yield of vegetables, and also even 90% of producers are ready to shift from conventional to the ecologically acceptable production of vegetales, with the condition of certain benefits, meaning greater incentives for that kind of production. On the other side, direct payments and rural development measures are used by about 60% of surveyed, which may indicate that for expanding the concept of ecologically acceptable production, encompassing greater incentives from the national level, it is necessary to improve knowledge of this concept of production, as well as better applying of existing incentives. Keywords: ecological production, vegetable growing, subventions, regulations Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 30-99 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ECOLOGICAL-AGRICULTURAL-PRODUCTION-–.OPINIONS-AND-PRACTICES-OF-PRODUCERS-IN-SERBIA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:30-39 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Mariana BRAN Author-Email: mariana.bran@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Simona Roxana PĂTĂRLĂGEANU Author-Email: rpatarlageanu@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Mihai DINU Author-Email: mihai.dinu@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Silviu Ionuț BEIA Author-Email: beiaionut@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: University of Agronomic and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest, Romania Title: SUPPORTING A HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT THROUGH LIVESTOCK Abstract: The importance of animal husbandry reaches all aspects (social, economic and environmental) of sustainable development in rural areas. People produce for sale, but also for consumption. At the same time, considering the location of this economic activity and the practice of farm technology, it is necessary to observe certain norms in order to ensure good environmental conditions. Of course, the future points to the mistakes of the past. Today, modern animal technology is coordinated through IT programs, which anticipate not only the production but also the risks. Specialized literature indicates the environmental risks arising from cattle breeding at planetary level: accumulation of methane as a specificity of digestion, but also through accumulated manure. In this sense, however, the bibliographic studies and the statistical analyses are in favour of maintaining the herds of cattle, on condition there is genetic improvement in the nutritional aspect, as well as judicious waste management. These considerations are appreciated by Romanian farmers in the economic activity of cattle breeding, promoting measures to reduce greenhouse gases in this field. Keywords: Greenhouse emissions, healthy environment, livestock, waste management Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 40-46 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SUPPORTING-A-HEALTHY-ENVIRONMENT-THROUGH-LIVESTOCK.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:40-46 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Carmen Valentina RĂDULESCU Author-Email: carmen-valentina.radulescu@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Sorin BURLACU Author-Email: sburlacu@amp.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: HUMAN PRESSURE ON AIR QUALITY IN BUCHAREST Abstract: The environment is the natural space that has been transformed by humans over time. It is mostly made up of water, air, vegetation and soil. They are the elements of the natural environment in which man was born. It is already realized that each element plays an extremely important role in the formation of the natural environment. Moreover, all these elements, which make up the natural environment, are intercorrelated: the climate is influenced by relief; climate and relief determine the spread of vegetation and fauna to preserve the natural environment etc. The purpose of our research is to highlight the destructive effects of pollution under the action of the anthropic factor and to present some directions of action for a sustainable development, with an emphasis on the air quality in Bucharest. The paper mainly highlights the effects of human pressure on the air quality in Bucharest. This locality was chosen because it has the highest population density in Romania. Sustainable development involves the relation of the human being with the environment and the responsibilities of the present generation to the next generation. For the Earth to remain a living planet, human interests must be correlated with the laws of nature. Keywords: air quality, anthropogenic factor, human pressure Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 47-53 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/HUMAN-PRESSURE-ON-AIR-QUALITY-IN-BUCHAREST.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:47-53 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Simona BARA Author-Email: simona.bara@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Elena PREDA Author-Email: elena.preda@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Nicoleta JIANU Author-Email: jianuraluca17@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: REQUIREMENTS FOR ACHIEVING A SUSTAINABLE RURAL FUTURE Abstract: In Romania the Government Decision no. 877/09.11.2018 for the approval of the “National Strategy for Sustainable Development of Romania 2030” reflects the decision to implement the sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda in a balanced way on the three dimensions of the sustainable development - economic, social and environmental. On appreciate that in the National Strategic Plan post-2020 it will be necessary to identify ways, measures and solutions for the agro-food sector and for rural area in order to achieve a realistic and active materialization of the SDGs, an opportunity for which at least the following requirements will have to be ensured: access to information; addressing personalized solutions for sustainable development of the rural area by bringing together, at local level, the natural, physical, social, human, cultural and informational capital; identifying solutions that meet the complexity of the system requirements for sustainable development of the rural area. Keywords: sustainable development goals; national strategic plan; knowledge Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 54-64 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/REQUIREMENTS-FOR-ACHIEVING-A-SUSTAINABLE-RURAL-FUTURE.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:54-64 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ionut Laurentiu PETRE Author-Email: laurpetre15@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Iuliana DOBRE Author-Email: iulya_dobre@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: STUDY ON THE ECONOMIC EFFICIENCY OF THE MAIN OLEAGINOUS CULTURES IN ROMANIA Abstract: This paper aims to determine the economic efficiency that each of the three main oil crops can have, namely the sunflower, soybean and rapeseed in Romania. Starting from the cultivation technologies of these plants it can be determined the main expenses for the cultivation of one hectare. With the help of statistical data on the price of recovery and the average production per hectare, it can be determined the incomes obtained by cultivating each crop taken into consideration, thus, at the end of this paper, it can determined the economic efficiency of cultivating one hectare with one of the three crops studied. These calculations will be performed for two levels of production; thus, two scenarios will be estimated for each crop chosen. Keywords: Economic efficiency, oil corps, expenditures, incomes, profitability Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 65-71 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/STUDY-ON-THE-ECONOMIC-EFFICIENCY-OF-THE-MAIN-OLEAGINOUS-CULTURES-IN-ROMANIA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:65-71 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Raluca DRĂCEA Author-Email: raluca.dracea@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Laura CIOBANU Author-Email: laura.ciobanu@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE CONTRIBUTION OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR TO ECONOMIC GROWTH IN ROMANIA Abstract: Although agriculture is one of the main economic sectors of Romania, its contribution to GDP has constantly decreased over the last 28 years, from 23.00% in 1989 to 4.37% in 2017. This phenomenon is explained by the fact that Romania’s economy past from being an economy based on an agricultural structure to one based on services. Even though the contribution of agriculture to GDP formation is declining, Romania still has the largest share of the agricultural sector in the GDP structure from all the countries of the European Union – about 3 times higher than the European average, and also the highest share of agricultural land in the total land area. These aspects show that within the member countries of the European Union, Romania is the country most dependent on agriculture, with the largest number of people involved in agriculture and with the largest share of agricultural areas in total. In this context, the paper analyzes the impact of the agricultural sector on Romania’s economic growth, between 2000-2017. The empirical analysis is based on three independent variables (agricultural production, public expenditure on agriculture and direct investment in agriculture) and one dependent variable (GDP at constant prices). The data panel consists of information provided by the NIS (National Institute of Statistics), and the data are analyzed using multiple regression. Keywords: Agriculture, Gross Domestic Product, Economic Development Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 72-83 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-CONTRIBUTION-OF-THE-AGRICULTURAL-SECTOR-TO-ECONOMIC-GROWTH-IN-ROMANIA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:72-83 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Steliana RODINO Author-Email: steliana.rodino@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Alina BUTU Author-Email: alina_butu@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Romania Author-Name: Raluca ION Author-Email: raluca.ion@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Marian BUTU Author-Email: marian_butu@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: National Institute of Research and Development for Biological Sciences, Romania Title: UNLOCKING BIOECONOMY POTENTIAL IN ROMANIAN AGRIFOOD SECTOR Abstract: The bioeconomy concept is generally defined as the use of renewable biological resources to produce food, materials and energy. This concept is now seen as an innovation trigger that will be the cornerstone of a knowledge leap in most economy sectors, on the way towards increasing sustainability of human activity. Agriculture occupies the most i and in Romania as well. The present study encompasses a general overview on bioeconomy mportant part of the revenues obtained from economic activities in many countries in EU potential in Romania, pointing specific issues regarding the challenges and opportunities for environmental protection and for agricultural activities. From a methodological point of view, the indirect research methods were used, reviewing specialized literature published until now: scientific articles and press releases. Extraction, observation, analysis and comparison of data provided by official databases was also applied. Keywords: bioeconomy, agriculture, food industry, Romania, biological resources, management strategies. Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 84-89 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/UNLOCKING-BIOECONOMY-POTENTIAL-IN-ROMANIAN-AGRIFOOD-SECTOR.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:84-89 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Anca-Marina IZVORANU Author-Email: ancaa.dinu@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Institute of Agricultural Economics, Romania Title: IMPACT OF TAXATION ON AGRICULTURAL REVENUE OF FARMERS Abstract: Taxation is involved in all areas of life, economic, social and cultural. These sides are permanently correlated, interconnecting each other, inducing specific behaviors, each at the level of the other. The importance of the studied theme lies in this interdependence of the areas of control. The fiscal measures do not determine strictly economic characteristics, but they produce more or less profound social and cultural changes. Human actions, in general, take place with a certain direction, duration and intensity. The direction is established, most of the times, according to the objectives pursued, and the other two instruments, the duration and the intensity are relatively clear. The same aspects are also within the framework of taxation, the objectives are intensively pursued and are foreseen with certain periods of time. These, the objectives, are different from one period to another, changing both in intensity and duration. This is why it is very important to know what their effects are on the economic and social field, because they are created by the public power in order to positively affect both subjects, the state budget and the taxpayers. Keywords: taxation, income, farmers, Romania Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 90-97 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/IMPACT-OF-TAXATION-ON-AGRICULTURAL-REVENUE-OF-FARMERS.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:90-97 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ioana TODIRICA Author-Email: todirica.ioanaclaudia@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: TRADITIONAL FOODS AS A DRIVER FOR RURAL DEVELOPMENT THROUGH LOCAL RESOURCES UTILISATION Abstract: Nowadays there is much emphasis on rural development and reducing the gap between rural and urban areas. The disharmonious development is more and more visible in Romania as the years pass by. The present paper aims to present the importance of small producers and to provide a solution that can lead to the development of rural areas through local resources utilization. This approach has more implications, as it can be seen also as a sustainable way of development. Research methodology consists in utilization of primary data collected by the author and secondary data extracted from national databases. The main outcome of the study underlines the positive impact, from an economic standpoint, that small producers have at local level and their role in maintaining food diversity. The results should be of interest for national and local stakeholders. Keywords: Traditional foods, local resources, rural development, Romania Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 98-104 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/TRADITIONAL-FOODS-AS-A-DRIVER-FOR-RURAL-DEVELOPMENT-THROUGH-LOCAL-RESOURCES-UTILISATION.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:98-104 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Adrian Ionut CHESNOIU Author-Email: adrianchesnoiu@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE IMPACT OF THE SHORT SUPPLY CHAIN ON THE COMPETITIVENESS OF THE AGRI-FOOD SECTOR Abstract: In this article the author tries to analyze the impact the short supply chain may have, in general, on the agri-food sector and especially on the local agri-food sector. The analysis has three concepts as central conceptual support: the urban-rural partnership, the short supply chain and the competitiveness in the agri-food sector. The author starting from the main features of the short supply chain tries to analyze the impact on the competitiveness in the agri-food sector. The urban-rural symbiosis can be more easily understood by the short chain supply, an instrument with multiple effects both for the urban and for the rural. Keywords: urban-rural partnership, short supply chain, competitiveness, agri-food sector, local agriculture Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 105-111 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-IMPACT-OF-THE-SHORT-SUPPLY-CHAIN-ON-THE-COMPETITIVENESS-OF-THE-AGRI-FOOD-SECTOR.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:105-111 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Maria NICA Author-Email: nicamaria93@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Ionut Laurentiu PETRE Author-Email: laurpetre15@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: IMPACT OF ROMANIA'S EU ACCESSION ON FOOD SECURITY Abstract: The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impact that Romania's accession to the European Union had on food security. To this end, with the help of FAO indicators on food security, the levels in Romania will be analyzed compared to neighboring countries, both EU and non-EU members, with a view to ensuring food or energy consumption. Through these comparisons, differences can be observed, or not, in terms of ensuring physical access to food both before and after joining the union. Keywords: European Union, food security, indicators, Romania Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 112-118 Year: 2019 File-URL: **************** URL AICI !!!!!! *********** File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:112-118 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Bianca Eugenia SOARE Author-Email: soare_bianca14@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE EVOLUTION OF THE PORK MARKET IN ROMANIA Abstract: Consumption of different types of meat and meat products has substantial effects on human health. The meat sector is an important one both globally and in Romania. The meat sector is an important one both globally and in Romania. The objective of the paper is to analyze the evolution of the pork market in Romania, between 2013-2018. Therefore, a series of indicators were analyzed, such as the number of pigs, production, consumption of pork, average prices, import and export of pork meat and trade balance. As a result of the analysis, it was found that all indicators are increasing. The highest value for meat consumption per inhabitant was 74.6 kg in 2017, for the average monthly consumption was 1.283 kg in 2018, and for the average monthly quantity of pork bought by a household of was 1,001 kg in 2018. The trade balance regarding the trade in pork was deficient during the period analyzed. Keywords: pork, consumption, market, import, export Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 119-125 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-EVOLUTION-OF-THE-PORK-MARKET-IN-ROMANIA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:119-125 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Alina Mădălina STANCU Author-Email: stancualina13@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Radu ANTOHE Author-Email: radu.antohe@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Nicolae SUVOROV Author-Email: suvorov.nicolae@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Lăcrămioara Alina VASILE (DRĂCEA) Author-Email: lacramioarav48@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: STUDY ON THE ROLE OF LAND LEASING IN INCREASING THE SIZE OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS Abstract: In the past, the constitution of the private land ownership right was the main desideratum of the agrarian reforms of the last decades, while the present route aims to increase the size of the agricultural holdings by initiating the lease process regarded as a classic form of exploiters acting as a contractor for the Romanian agrarian relations. This objective necessity of restructuring the state units and of the performance of the agricultural activity resides in the wide range of activities on the land market that concentrates around the regime of the land property in order to correctly appreciate the transactions in the lease market. The present paper aims to analyze the role and importance of land leasing by studying the average size of the agricultural exploitation of the last decade, registered at the level of the development area South-Muntenia, especially in Calarasi county. The result of the present research serves to demonstrate the role of the lease, which the lack of agrarian policy cannot prove its effectiveness having a non-stimulatory character for the owner. Keywords: agrarian reforms, land leasing, land ownership Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 126-134 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/STUDY-ON-THE-ROLE-OF-LAND-LEASING-IN-INCREASING-THE-SIZE-OF-AGRICULTURAL-HOLDINGS.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:126-134 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Nicolae SUVOROV Author-Email: suvorov.nicolae@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Alina Mădălina STANCU Author-Email: stancualina13@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Lăcrămioara Alina VASILE (DRĂCEA) Author-Email: lacramioarav48@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE ROLE OF LOCAL ACTION GROUPS IN THE CONTEXT OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Abstract: The last decades have been characterized by the intense industrial exploitation of resources, by the emergence of ecological crises, and at present, the incorporation of all the economic-social spheres leads to the reconciliation between the economic and social progress without producing environmental damage. Sustainable development is a difficult task to achieve by analyzing the social, economic and geographical situation, territorial coherence and homogeneity, related to the number of inhabitants and the eligible area, to the financial allocation for this sector. The present paper intends to carry out a study on the interest expressed by the local actors regarding the LEADER axis and the way of elaborating the rural development strategies approached by the Local Action Groups through a comparative study between the development regions of Romania. The result of the research is a foundation for partnerships project sustainable development regarding Local Action Groups activities in disadvantaged rural areas. Keywords: LEADER, Local Action Groups, Public-Private Partnerships, Sustainable Development Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 135-141 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-ROLE-OF-LOCAL-ACTION-GROUPS-IN-THE-CONTEXT-OF-SUSTAINABLE-DEVELOPMENT.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:135-141 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ioana PANAIT Author-Email: panaitioana48@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Cătălin Marian CUCU Author-Email: cmc.catalin02@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: ORGANIC FARMING - VECTOR OF INFLUENCE IN THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE ROMANIAN AGRICULTURAL SECTOR Abstract: The purpose of this study is to outline an overview of the market for organic food products, as well as the progress made by Romania in the transition to organic farming as its size and evolution and we draw attention to the current situation of organic farming in the EU, but especially that of Romania. The importance of this paper is highlighted by the role of organic farming in global agriculture sector which is the defining element of improvement and modernization of Romanian agriculture, the conversion to organic farming and the adaptation to a new model, widely encountered, that of sustainable development by passing to a model of value added generating development. The working methodology includes the analyses of statistical data regarding surfaces and production of the agrofood organic products and of the operators who are certified in organic farming in Romania, between 2010 and until 2018, the carrying out of a quantitative statistical method for an observation of the evolution in time for organic productions and for the types of operators certified organic. The main outcome reflects the position of organic farming in Romania and in relation to the EU average. Keywords: Sustainable development, agrofood sector, organic farming Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 142-150 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/ORGANIC-FARMING-VECTOR-OF-INFLUENCE-IN-THE-SUSTAINABLE-DEVELOPMENT-OF-THE-ROMANIAN-AGRICULTURAL-SECTOR.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:142-150 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Ciprian ROTARU Author-Email: rotaruciprian84@yahoo.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Victor-Marian DUMITRACHE Author-Email: victor.dumitrache@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: CLIMATE CHANGE THREAT: WHERE ARE WE HEADING? Abstract: Our century is facing a major challenge, with implications that can endanger the existence of humanity - climate change. If hundreds of years ago, these climate changes were perceived as a reaction of nature, now, almost 300 years after the industrial revolution, part of humanity's activities in the struggle for survival are those that generate climate change. The challenges of climate change have become so complex that they require research and understanding of the phenomena in order to have an effective approach and implement the appropriate measures needed to mitigate the negative effects of the consequences of climate change. Agricultural is the one that generates climate change through GHG emissions, but at the same time is the sector most affected by these changes. Keywords: standard precipitation index; climate change; sustainable development; environment economic and social impacts; drought; flood; agriculture; risk; loss; climate scenario; temperature; precipitation; drought; effects; adaptive strategies; Romania Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 151-170 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/CLIMATE-CHANGE-THREAT-WHERE-ARE-WE-HEADING.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:151-170 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Răzvan Aurelian MUNTEANU Author-Email: razvanmunteanu2009@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: SOCIAL INNOVATION – SUSTAINABLE SOLUTION TO TACKLE ENERGY POVERTY IN URBAN AREA Abstract: Innovation is about “new ideas” and social innovation is any activity, law, software, internal procedure, which is implemented for bringing added value into specific area and without those actions, couldn’t be possible to have better outcomes. A decision which is taken by the local authorities and it is improving the welfare it is also a social innovation. Often there is a confusion between “doing my job” and “social innovation”. In public administration there is a real need for social innovation, any good project could be a real social innovation if it brings added value. The paper presents a pilot project, with a target of 35-50 private houses selected in order to create a heterogeneous project with different type of buildings, from different geographic areas from District 1, from different years of construction, with a low level of income for each building, under 1000 euro/units. This last criterion has the roll to sustain and to tackle energy poverty. In terms of novelty, this represents a new approach in Romania, through the project we intend to test and to develop the sustainable and efficient technical solutions. Keywords: social innovation, environment protection, investments, CO2 emissions, renewable resources Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 171-181 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SOCIAL-INNOVATION-–-SUSTAINABLE-SOLUTION-TO-TACKLE-ENERGY-POVERTY-IN-URBAN-AREA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:171-181 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Lavinia POPESCU Author-Email: popesculavinia14@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Adela Sorinela SAFTA Author-Email: saftaadela19@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: SUPPORTING THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL SECTOR. CONSIDERATIONS REGARDING IMPROVING THE ECOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERFORMANCE OF AGRICULTURE Abstract: The paper focused on reconsidering the role of applying strategies in soil treatment in agricultural production. Particular emphasis is placed on the interdependence between fertilizers applied to permanent pastures and agricultural plantations to improve soil quality. The main result of the research is to identify the correct management of nitrates in improving soil quality, as a means of sequestration of C at ground level by collecting data on nitrate efficiency and, consequently, carbon sequestration will contribute to the overall goal of significantly increasing carbon sequestration in the ground. During the research we tried to highlight aspects that, in our opinion, are important for the development of the agricultural sector, improving agricultural management by applying good practices responsible for the environment in terms of improving soil quality and preserving the biosphere and ecosystem. Keywords: soil, environmental, carbon emissions Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 182-192 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SUPPORTING-THE-DEVELOPMENT-OF-THE-AGRICULTURAL-SECTOR.-CONSIDERATIONS-REGARDING-IMPROVING-THE-ECOLOGICAL-AND-ENVIRONMENTAL-PERFORMANCE-OF-AGRICULTURE.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:182-192 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Marinela ILIE Author-Email: Marinela.ilie93@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: SMART FARMING IN CORN CULTURE Abstract: There is no more mechanized agricultural process that does not benefit from computerized assistance that optimizes working parameters and obtain qualitative indices of lifting, comfort and safety in the process of increased work for the user, low fuel consumption and manpower and low negative impact on the environment. The concept of "Precision agriculture” involves adjusting inputs in the agricultural system (seeds, fertilizers, pesticides), to distribute all where it is needed just as long as it takes. Measurement of differences working parameters through sensors and transducers, analysis of information received through computer systems or specific software and sending orders for modification of other parameters on tractors and machines has created the "Smart farming" system. The advantages of using smart farming are immense in all aspects. The user inserts the working parameters into the computer, monitors the processes and through the actuators execute the necessary settings. Complete and accurate information on the processed surface, fuel consumption, seed, fertilizers, pesticides, or quantities harvested in agricultural harvesting machines are received in real or centralized time. Cultivating cereal like corn can be extremely profitable regardless of the surface, but for that it is essential to observe some particularities of this plant. Romania is one of the largest maize producers in the European Union; in this article is presented all cost and also cost prognosis for smart farming in corn culture. Keywords: agriculture, precision agriculture, smart farming, corn culture Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 193-202 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SMART-FARMING-IN-CORN-CULTURE.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:193-202 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Daniela MĂRĂCINE Author-Email: Maracine.danielaa@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: SUBSISTENCE AND SEMI-SUBSISTENCE FARMS SECTOR IN ROMANIA Abstract: The current rural development policy from 2014-2020, both at national and European level, affirms and supports the strengthening of the agricultural family sector as a guarantee for food security and safety and for maintaining rural social structures. During this programming period it is considered that subsistence and semi-subsistence farms can contribute to the dynamics of the territory, spatial planning and valorization of disadvantaged areas, promotion of local traditions and preservation of biological and cultural heritage. Family farms remain the best means for ensuring sustainable management of natural resources and biodiversity and preserving authentic rural life and sustainability of food production. Keywords: Subsistence farms, semi-subsistence farms, agricultural development Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 203-209 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/SUBSISTENCE-AND-SEMI-SUBSISTENCE-FARMS-SECTOR-IN-ROMANIA.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:203-209 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Lăcrămioara Alina VASILE (DRĂCEA) Author-Email: lacramioarav48@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Alina Mădălina STANCU Author-Email: stancualina13@stud.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Nicolae SUVOROV Author-Email: suvorov.nicolae@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE EVOLUTION OF ROMANIAN PORK MEAT CONSUMPTION IN THE GLOBALISATION CONTEXT Abstract: Characterized by the grow of food diversity and globalization, the last decade brings considerable increases in the consumption of imported meat, especially pork, while the Romanian herd of swine records losses due to excessive price volatility and insufficient financial support of producers. The last few years brings to this sector, not at all attractive to foreign investors on the brink of collapse, due to huge differences between import and export. The present paper aims to analyze the latest trends related to the consumption of swine meat that has been manifested in Romania during the last years marked by major imbalances found in the country regarding the commercial balance. The statistical data provided by the Food and Agriculture Organization will be used to disseminate information through quantitative methods such as data analysis. The growing trend that still manifests the consumption of pork meat makes it to remain a basic food, which can provide a sufficient level of nutrients for a diet rich in protein. Keywords: Consumption, Swine Production, Commercial Balance Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 210-217 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-EVOLUTION-OF-ROMANIAN-PORK-MEAT-CONSUMPTION-IN-THE-GLOBALISATION-CONTEXT.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:210-217 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Raluca IGNAT Author-Email: raluca.ignat@ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Author-Name: Carmen Lenuta TRICĂ Author-Email: carmen.trica@eam.ase.ro Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: PREMISES FOR ECO-INNOVATION IN ROMANIA’S AGROFOOD SECTOR Abstract: Innovation is the top topic of the public agenda. Policy makers and business representatives are looking for innovative solutions to modern issues. Therefore, the research question is whether Romania’s agrofood sector has strong conditions in order to run and implement eco-innovation. The main objective of the paper is to emphasize the real conditions for eco-innovation in Romanian agrofood sector. The descriptive analysis proves that Romania’s agrofood sector needs innovation and this may be a strategic approach for sustainable development of agrofood companies. Following the findings, we may consider that the Romanian small enterprises are very vulnerable to market exchanges and they are not so well trained to face them, as the number of the companies that are being erased each year is still high. Second of all, small enterprises are not ready to implement nor digital activities, neither eco-innovation in their operations. One of the current objectives of the public policy in the area of entrepreneurship is to boost the use of computers in the companies management and daily activities and to stimulate the eco-innovation based activities for each financed company. Keywords: Eco-innovation, entrepreneurship, digital single market, agrofood companies Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 218-226 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/PREMISES-FOR-ECO-INNOVATION-IN-ROMANIAS-AGROFOOD-SECTOR.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:218-226 Template-Type: ReDIF-Article 1.0 Author-Name: Erzsebet OLARIU Author-Email: erji.olariu@gmail.com Author-Workplace-Name: Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania Title: THE EVOLUTION OF THE ECONOMIC MANIFESTATION OF THE PROPERTY Abstract: Each property has an economic potential. The manifestation of this potential, is analyzed in the form of a system which has a support base and three power plans. They were named generation plan, the action plan and the evolution plan. This system has limits and within the system the economic manifestation is beneficial, both at individual and at socially level, but exceeding these limits creates economic mbalances. These imbalances can be solved by indentfying more easily the causes of exiting, which if are elimineted, their effect disappears. The model of this system is the subtle system, found in every human being. Keywords: property, economic, subtle system, history Journal: PROCEEDINGS of the Eighth International Conference COMPETITIVENESS OF AGRO-FOOD AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMY Pages: 227-231 Year: 2019 File-URL: https://www.cafee.ase.ro/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/THE-EVOLUTION-OF-THE-ECONOMIC-MANIFESTATION-OF-THE-PROPERTY.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Handle: RePEc:aes:icafee:v:8:y:2019:p:227-231